The replies on this are disgusting!


***In no way trying to “shame” these women! I’m saying it’s disgusting that relationships like this are considered the “norm” because they genuinely deserve better than a relationship where they can’t trust their SO not to hurt them like that and visa versa***

Someone posted this picture in a mommy group I’m in

MOST of the replies were “no.”

Some even said they trusted their husband but NOT their best friend

And then there’s this gem

Why marry someone that you can’t trust not to cheat on you if left alone for 8 hours? Why marry someone that would sleep with your best friend??

Why call someone your “best friend,” if they would try to sleep with your husband giving the opportunity?

It just genuinely sickens me that women would not only settle for toxic relationships like this that completely lack trust, but that they also do not see an issue in it!

If you answered “no” to this question, you seriously need to rethink your relationship. Because either a) you are surrounding yourself with the wrong types of people and settling for less than you deserve, or b) you have serious trust issues that you should seek help for, and spend time focusing on yourself and your mental health before focusing on a relationship