Am I over reacting?

Okay where do I start. My husband had some addiction issues in the past. Well for the past week my husband and I had plans to go to my sister's house and baby sit her 3 kids(8 months, 6 and 9) and bring our daughter(4) along as well. She has cancer so she is to sick to take care of them. Well my husband gets a call from his brother at 10 pm and says that he needs to drive 10/15 minutes to drive him to his mom's house because he and his wife are fighting. I said okay don't be long because I will need help with the baby and our 4 year old(she has night terrors). He said okay, 11 rolls around I call he did answer I call again he did answer. He finally texted me and said what. I said when will you be back and why won't you answer. He said he was at a bar with his brother and I said you have until11:40 to come back because I won't be able to watch them alone. Well it's now 630 am he has been ignoring me and won't answer. His brother is an addict as well and they have used together in the past. I have a right to be mad right? Because he is going to try and turn this around on me I just know it.

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