Where is my rainbow baby?


Me and my partner started trying for a baby a year ago. We tried everything under the sun.. but after 6 very fustrating months.. we fell pregant. at 8 weeks there was no sign of a heartbeat.. we had to wait 2 weeks over Christmas and then had it confirmed the re was still no heart beat and that we would misscarry. we opted for medical help after a week of nothing happening and risk of infection... and several trips back and forth to the hospital we were given a d & c. my whole world fell apart. I still 6 months on cry for my baby which would have been due on the 4th august. we have been trying for 6 months for our rainbow baby and there still no sign of baby. we have tried everything.. the first couple of months i was like it will happen when it meant to happen.. there a bigger plan.. blah blah blah.. now 6 months on still no sign.. why me? why did i have to loose my baby? why do we have to struggle for our rainbow baby? why do people around me have no problem falling pregant when I am doing everything to make it happen... if I hear just dont stress about it.. it will happen from one more person .. I will
