Torticollis abs flat spot


So my son is 2 months old and I brought up to his pediatrician at his two month appointment that I thought he was developing a flat spot which didn’t make sense to me because I hold him all the time and I was afraid of him getting a flat spot. He said that he had Torticollis which caused his flat spot because at night he’s sleeping in the same position every night. I took him to the physical therapist yesterday and she said he doesn’t have traditional Torticollis. She then began to tell me everything that was wrong and I started to become worried but she said since he’s so young everything should fix itself with therapy and me doing exercises with him and if I do the exercises he shouldn’t need a helmet. She told me that his right ear is more forward than his left and his right cheek bone is more pushed in than his left. She also said that he has compensatory scoliosis from trying to make up from his weakened left side ( I think this scared me the most). I’m just looking for some support from other mamas that had their child go through this. I know it isn’t my fault since all this happened because of him having tight muscles in his neck but I can’t help but feel bad.