I didnt know where to post this *NEED HELP*



So I have this (ex)sister-in-law/cousin. We didnt find out about relation until way later and it's long down the line.. She had 2 boys with my brother-in-law. She is on all kinds of medication for mental health illness.

My nephews are 11 and 6. Ever since their dad passed, they are not allowed to speak about him at all. Do not ask questions, speak his name, etc. The last time I saw them was at the beginning of the year/end of last. She has this thing where if someone ask or says something that she doesn't like then she pulls the cord and they aren't allowed to see or speak to us anymore. (btw, she was with my fiance brother, not my brother lol)

Last time we saw them, the younger of the two had a long stretch of bruise on his neck. She said he fell on a toy. Later that day (after she left) he spoke up and said she hit him repeatedly with a belt and that's the reason for that bruise. older bro has stated that ever since they have lived with their mom, if older bro doesn't cook, then two do not eat. she doesn't cook. He was going to make eggs for breakfast and my MIL said not to because she was going to cook. OB said "well mama makes me cook. I know how to use the stove. I been doing it for the last 4 years. if I dont make anything for my and little bro, then we dont eat, because mama makes us do it. she will eat but make us fond for ourselves."

I was also told by the boys that even when their dad was alive, she told them that her new BF was their daddy now and not their actual father, so to call him daddy instead since their real daddy doesn't exist (she put a PFA because she started a fight with his gf and he stepped in. never hit her, he just blocked.)

Now she has decided to let the boys see us. She agreed to drop them off at my place this weekend for 3 hours for my sons birthday party. I want so bad to ask them about their home life, but when they leave I know she will scare them into telling her everything, just like the last time. CPS has been called 3 times and nothing happened.

Mind you, they are both epileptic and have been taken off (by her) of their meds all because they havent had an episode in a few years.

What do I do? I couldnt sleep last night at all, due to dreams of seeing them Saturday and them begging me to stay here. Every time I would doze off I would dream of them telling me they are scared to go home.