Most amazing and scariest day of my life

Katherine • mama of 2 || 20 years old

Birth story

We were scheduled to be induced June 1st, 2018 and ended up getting rescheduled to Monday the 4th (longest weekend ever!)

We arrived at the hospital around 6:45 am - late as usual! And they basically got things started pretty quickly!

At 7:30 am they gave me my IV in my left arm, normally I’m fine with needles so it was quite a shock when right after she gave me the IV I got incredibly hot and felt like I was going to pass out, then I threw up. It was the weirdest kind of wave cause it just started so suddenly, extremely hot, feeling like I was passing out and then I’d throw up and be fine, it happened a few times that morning. They started the pitocin and fluids with my IV and contractions started coming pretty strong after at 8:15 am

At 9am my contractions were 2-3 minutes apart- at my last cervix check I was 2 cm dilated.

They said I could get an epidural at any time but I was deciding to wait a little bit to just work through some contractions, but pretty quickly the contractions got unbearable

I started getting extreme pain under my left rib cage and lower left back. I was leaning against my partner trying to stand and walk around since I knew I’d be in bed the whole time when I get the epidural but it was too hard to stand with the intense pain and I started shaking uncontrollably.

At 10:20 I got the epidural- it was mildly painful but definitely worth it for me

At 10:45 I was checked again and was 3cm dilated and I had my water broken!

I was still able to move my legs and could feel a lot of pressure still during contractions and with my first I couldn’t move my legs at all so I was worried I wasn’t getting a strong enough dose of epidural

Time went by and i kept feeling my contractions and I was visited by my lovely family and got to spend time with my toddler before things got busy

At 1:48 pm I was checked and was 7cm dilated and 90% effaced

A few minutes later I started getting that unbearable rib and lower back pain again and could feel all of it and called the nurse and said I felt the urge to push

(By the way- the pain under my ribs and in my lower back turned out to be her foot!! Her left foot is turned outwards because of how she was positioned in utero!)

My partner was in the room with me the whole time and my mom came in when I was saying I had the urge to push and she walked by the end of the bed when they checked me and said she saw baby’s hair!!

The nurse said don’t push yet and brought in another nurse who said for me to give practice pushes, so I did! it was very painful I could feel her coming out and the pain under my ribs, doctor came in the room as well and out came miss Paisley Anne at 2:39 pm

It was time to get the placenta out and I was still in a lot of pain now with my beautiful baby girl on my chest, the doctor said pieces of my placenta membrane were still stuck to my uterus and I started loosing too much blood

I told them I felt like I was going to pass out and they took baby off of me and ended up rushing me to the OR for a dilation and curettage (D&C;)

My amazing partner was so worried and was alone with our baby for 2 hours while I was in the OR (They told us it would take 15-20 minutes)

I was so scared about leaving them and I told him that everything would be okay, to give our baby boy (2years old) a hug for me and that I’d be back soon, it was the scariest thing I’ve ever been through. I woke up in recovery and finally was able to go back to my babies. I had to get 2 units of blood while I was in the OR.

I was crying out of happiness, and from being so scared when I came back and finally got to hold my baby girl and try to feed her

I was so happy to be back with my love and my baby girl and my baby boy, so thankful everything turned out okay

Our baby boy loves his sister and is absolutely amazing, our baby girl is doing great and is very healthy along with mama!

Here are some more photos from that amazing day, we couldn’t be happier with our baby boy and our baby girl