Bitchy Gynac

So I usually shave down there and I recently got a large lump on the outside of my labia on top and it got super painfull so I decided to go to a gynacoligist..anyways moving on.. her shifts at 5:30 she comes 45 mins late to being with..I wait my turn..I go in..she starts asking me the usual personal questions a gynac would.. This was our convo after the usual hi how are you.. doc: are you married? Or engaged.. me: haha no I'm 22. doc: so what if you are 22.. are u sexually active? me: No,not recently. doc: are you a virgin then? me: No I am not..I was sexually active as I had a boyfriend.. doc: are u still with him? me: no.. doc: so at this age you are not supposed to have're not married or engaged do u know the complications and she went on and on so fucking rudely and I went like.. yes but he was my boyfriend .. doc: so are you going to marry him ?? me: no.. And she went on and on ranting like a little bitch..I honestly felt quiet bad..Sorry to say this but she was an old Indian doc..I am half Indian mysely but she seemed pretty backward ..I went to the doc straight from work so I had a proper knee length formal skirt and a v neck suit..And she kept looking at my nails and legs and my chest.. NO I was not even wearing something deep... l currently live in UAE working as asst. manager for a recruitment firm and I have been away from my parents studying and working since the age of 17 I am quiet mature with my decisions.I do not have multiple partners or sleep around..I had a boyfriend until a few months ago and he broke my heart and yes I did sleep with him ofcouse cuz I was in love with him..who is this bitch to judge and lecture me... What do you have to say about judgemental bitchy docs like this?? I didn't mind point was she was extremely rude and her point you're was u can't have sex until you're married and she literally said that too..!