Guy? Moving? Help!!


I have been friends with this guy since I was in 7th grade I am now a sophomore in college. He’s 4 years older then I am. We have been friends for years texting every single day. He was my best friend . I always wanted it to be more. We started hanging out before I even had my license & then once I got my license I would drive 30 mins away to his house. When he turned 21 he bought a house an hour away from where I live. I was 17 and would drive an hour to and from to visit him. We both started growing feelings he got scared and chickened out & stopped talking to me. It BROKE me because I waisted a long time on him wanting more then friends. We grew apart the past two years and I dated someone else in that time. I am now single and we have been talking again & I have fallen for him all over again. He took me on a date & makes coffee and breakfast for me but I just don’t know if I’m willing to date someone an hour away. My work and college is an hour away and that’s so much gas . That’s a huge set back for me. I could transfer locations with my work but that wouldn’t be till I was 100000% about him and i working out. What’s everyone’s opinion??? Just a lot of gas and miles but he does make me really happy!!!! & is exactly what I’ve wanted & is a gentleman & definitely wants to date.