Ending of our marriage

I believe that this is the end of my marriage. Just because of the signs. Me and my husband started out good in our marriage. But these few years we have been through hell. After we had our first child everything was good but since the 3 child. We have lost touch with each other. Everything just feels like we just here. He told me at one point that we don’t have time for each other so I tried to make dates and stuff for each other. We did good but it’s like it got worse the older the kids got. Then last year, he had cheated on me. After the years of marriage, it hurt me to the core. He tried to fix it and had counseling and I was even out of the house for a min to regroup myself. But since I got back, it just feels like we back in this circle. Plus the sex has declined a lot. I don’t think he is cheating on me but I do feel us as we have drifted apart. We just not in touch with each other. Then on top of that, he had a very important event (charity event) and I was supposed to be there but I ran late. He was very upset with me because he was being honored for something that I was not there for when it was time for him to speak and he told me “you knew how important this was for me to see you there” because of his childhood. Lately, I been trying to talk to him but he tells me I’m smothering him and he just need space because he feel like I have time for everyone but him. Plain and simple. He said “you my wife. I put you first always. Yes I cheated and I’m not saying that it is your fault but bae, you don’t put me first. Everyone comes before me. The kids. Your job. Your parents. Where am I? I just want space please.” I swear when he said that, it hurt me to the core. I’ve continued counseling solo due to getting a perspective on myself. My therapist says I have too many roles due to me being the caretaker of my parents, then a mom, plus my job, that I put my wifely duties last and it’s not intentional. I’m trying to do damage control and save my marriage. I don’t want to lose my husband. I’m giving him space right now even tho we live in the same house and sleep in the same bed. Yesterday I tried to kiss him and he rejected me. He said “please don’t. You smothering me and trying to force us. I need time”. So I backed off and went to tend to the kids.

What can I do? Comments? Advice?