
So my bf and I have been together for almost 4 years we have a family together, just built a new house . I need some advice on trying to get him help. He was in the army for 13 years and was deployed 5 times and is a combat veteran, he has a lot of anger issues and has turned into a alcoholic. He binge drinks a lot and then blacks out and doesn’t remembers what he says or does. And is very sorry the next day but then turns around and drinks again. He’s spiraling down fast, he claims no one can help him. No one knows what he’s been through, I’ve tried taking to him about go to the doctor and getting help, he did in October was supposed to get on medication, he did but he stopped taking it. He knows he has issues, but won’t go get help, has anyone been through this, what can I do to get him help, I’ve already talked with the va and they said he has to want to get help. But I don’t want it to be too late...and it end in a crisis.. any advice?