Boy problemsss


So I dated this guy for a pretty decent time(almost a year) and we broke up got back together all that superrr fun stuff. I met him(J) and my best friend(B) at the same time same day both of them became my best friends. Me and B had messed around quite a bit when me and J weren't together.

So I had a rant to B about how genuine lasting relationships are hard to find and the one guy who shows his feelings for me is a terrible guy. B said everyone but him would be good for me and I said like who and he dead ass goes "me" and I'm here shook cause he's literally my dream guy could never ask for anyone better and I'm like really?????? And he said if he wasn't such good friends with J he'd actually do something about it. And I'm here like

Like who cares about what J has do with anything like

And boy oh boy I'm on vacation right now and I'm 5 seconds away from driving all the way back to my home town just to be with him. Seriously I'm trying to figure out what the hell I'm gonna do but boy do I hope this turns out good