Dad Mia

Danielle 👩‍👦‍👦💕👸🏾🤴🏾💕 • Fun loving Mom of 3 boys 🧒🏽🧒🏽👶🏽.. blessed to have my amazing boys. Baby Dust to everyone trying to concieve.🤗🤗🤗 Enjoy this fun journey.

My ex hasn't been around for 3 years the day I told him I was pregnant. I pushed a relationship finally realizing I cant force anyone to care about a baby. Regardless of our past relationship my child shouldn't suffer. I leave door open to visit. After 2 99.9% positive tests he denied paternity to go to trial SMH. He texts me regarding me I say unless it's about our son we shouldn't talk. Recently I found out his family had no idea about my son. He was cheating had 2 women pregnant at same time as me...where do I find these grown boys. The last words he said to me were maybe I'll come around for Peyton when I don't resent you. Dont contact me ever my gf doesnt like it.

Thank God my feelings left 3 years ago but hurt for my son his 5th boy. however I feel we are ok and will be he can come in his life I'd never stop that. But life goes on.

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