Finally told him

I’ve been sexually active for a year and my SO just recently found out a couple months ago that I wasn’t on BC. Now we have always been using non-latex condoms as I’m allergic to latex but he just assumed I was on BC. Actually my religion forbids BC or really anything but abstinence or fertility awareness. (He’s atheist and I’m Catholic) A cousin of mine found out about us and started fussing about me not using anything besides a condom and wants me to go on something. However everything I’ve read so far is kinda making me nervous about it. I settled on trying this and I’m trying to be more open with my SO about this type of stuff. We’re in our 20’s so we just don’t want kids right now but both of us could handle it if we do end up pregnant. He’s a teacher and I’m studying to be a teacher as well. So back on track the two of us are planning a two day getaway and I have been trying to figure out the best time to go. I have also been trying to figure out a way to tell him about Glow. I finally asked him about a certain window where I’m not as fertile but Aunt Flo isn’t visiting to see if we can go then. I then sent him a screenshot of my cycle calendar and explained what each color means. He agreed to no red or green days and then I asked him about if he wanted me to invite him so he could track my cycle too. This makes me feel a little better that I’ve told him.

To all those bashing me. I’m no longer using my religion as an excuse anymore but I’m also not going to give it up. I’m not the only one in my family that has had sex before marriage. I myself was born out of wedlock and my parents never did get married. I had been using it as an excuse for years though before I was with this guy. Before him I had never even dated or had any type of sex. The reason I didn’t tell him is he never asked. He just assumed I was on something. I had also been on ADHD medication for years and hated the affect it had on me. I practically couldn’t take anything with it as it reversed the affects of most other medication. I don’t want to take anything that does anything like what those pills did.