

So... according to my <a href="">eve</a> calendar this is my fertile window time. I wasn’t keeping too close Of track (dumb me) and I’ve had unprotected sex several times in the last week. I usually know when I ovulate because I get watery discharge and some mild cramps for a day or less. I’ve been having those symptoms but they have lasted for longer. This is day 3 of cramping and watery discharge. Also when I went to the restroom tonight and wiped there was a tiny tiny tiny pink spot in some of the discharge. Anyone know if it’s common to spot during ovulation? Kind of paranoid I could be pregnant but I know it’s way too early to determine anything like that. My boyfriend is amazing and a baby in the future would be a dream come true. But I don’t want to rush anything this time around I want to do everything right! (Marriage, house, then more babies!) So i guess my main question is when does implantation happen after ovulation? I wanted to get on birth control again but don’t want to if I might get pregnant from this last week. I have two kids with my ex husband and had implantation bleeding with both of them. Anybody experience anything like this??