Am I in the wrong

أليسا • TexasMomma❤️, Sag♐️

My mother in law took off up north to go work and left me in charge of my sister in law (14&pregnant;) instead of my husband since his irresponsible sometimes

She’s 24 weeks pregnant and had her glucose test this morning which she was supposed to be fasting like her doctor said

Long story short

I picked her up around 7 pm got her something to eat and explained she can’t eat from 10 pm till after her doctors appointment and she agreed

4 am rolled around and my husband woke me up that he couldn’t sleep and noticed his sister was still awake and she was complaining she was hungry and started asking him to take her to the store knowing I already reminded her the rules the doctor said to follow

After explaining everything to my husband he still took her which ofcourse got me irritated but whatever

I ended up back falling asleep and woke up around 5:39 am or so and notice they were not back

I called him and he was like oh my sister wanted to learn how to drive like seriously dude she could have waited till the morning knowing she had her appointment at 9:00am

His mom gave me simple rules to follow when it came to her and both just completely ignored me and did their own thing

It’s now 8:17 am and my sister in law cancelled her doctors appointment and my mother in law is pissed over everything that is happening since my sister in law decides to act like this when her mother isn’t here & husband is allowing her so I just told my husband to take care of her at his mothers house because we already have a 4 year old to take care of and I’m not dealing with the extra stress his sister and he is giving me

Now my husband is telling me I’m wrong for saying she isn’t my responsibility like no all you had to do was listen and all of this could of been avoided I’m 22 weeks pregnant and Ive hardly had any sleep because of them ... I guess I’m just very frustrated by this whole situation