What would you do?

I kinda hate posting because I feel like what I post isn’t as bad as the things you ladies are going through!

What would you girls do if your partner was away for training with work and they was in a different town and you called them like you normally would do.. and he says I’m off out for a drink with a work friend (baring in mind he hates this guy and wanted to leave his job like a month ago because of him) (him going out is totally fine and I honestly don’t mind) and it gets late and he does call.. so you try calling him to say night but no response. You go to sleep and wake up still nothing from not a text nothing then you go to work like usual and it gets to lunch time and yet still nothing! You text him and his response is I was out and so just forgot to message you because I was drunk.. baring in mind he’s staying in a hotel with his own room so it’s not like he didn’t want to ring in front of his friend.. and then you get home and say I just want to talk about it and his response is “I don’t see why you need to keep tabs on me” his this guy for real? I never ever keep tabs or bother him! And he’s acting so strange like his attitude towards me is so different like he’s a personality transformation over night! Calling me “mate” which he has never done since I met him!

We’ve been together 4 years and I’m always the last thing he thinks off!

Would you agree this is clearly hit a dead end? Or am I being silly?