A husband's duty


I'm sure we've all been there.

You get your paycheck.

You had planned on going and getting your hair done because it's been a while, but then your paycheck isn't as big as you thought and before you know it, the whole thing is gone and you're broke until next paycheck.

But those split ends aren't gonna go away just because you're broke. So you text your husband.

"Are you any good at cutting hair?" -me

"No, why? Whose hair?" -husband

"Mine. I have no money left to get my hair cut and I really need it."

"Absolutely not. I'll mess it up."

"Just a trim. I'm sure it'll be fine if you wet it and cut off an inch or two."


I win! And if he messes it up, I have to wear my hair up at work anyway so I'm not too worried about it.