Pregnant or withdrawal symptoms


I was on the Depo Shot for two years and got off of it in March. I was supposed to go back in June but i decided i wanted to TTC. I got light bleeding for a week 11 weeks from when the shot was due. I downloaded the <a href="">Glow app</a> to track my body. I’m not sure if I’m ovulating because Monday-Thursday it’s been just watery. The app said i was supposed to ovulate Wednesday. I’ve been taking prenatal vitamins. I’ve also experienced being overly tired, nausea, headaches, an increase in appetite, cramping and bloating. Could this just be the side effects of getting off Depo? I’m just trying everything because i really want a baby and i don’t want to wait 2 years or more. If i would’ve known this about Depo i wouldn’t have got on it in the first place.