Trying to conceive


I have been with my husband for 7 years we have had unprotected sex since 6 years ago and havent gotten pregnant we started asking ourselves what was going on so we decided to see a doctor and we did i was on provera and clomid because of my irregular periods and now they have been less irregular i get them every month except this may i missed it and i really thought i was pregnant but nooo 😭 test was negative I got checked to see if i was going to be able to have kids everything came out fine which I was really relieve I was scared so Then we decided for my husband to get a sperm count and the results were that he has a good count but really low mobility which doctor describe as that his sperm is lazy and dont move

Any advice will help us a lot

We are to the point were I cry get depressed every month i get my period

We want to be parents we just want a baby 😭