Vegan thinking about going to go vegetarian

I feel so guilty. But I don’t have enough money to eat right and I’m always tired, sick, and weak. I just am not eating right. It would be easier to be vegetarian because then I wouldn’t have to buy and I could eat what others buy (I’m very broke right now). I feel guilty but my boyfriend was showing me local farms that don’t use machines to get milk from cows.

I wouldn’t want to eat eggs or drink milk. I’d still use almond milk. When I have more money I can switch back. But it would be easier to eat the cheese/dairy products my boyfriend buys which is all “old school” farming.

My family, boyfriend, his family, and some friends thinks it’s better for me to switch. I’ll never eat meat again. But it’s just something I was considering. I’ve been eating beans, veggies, and fruit. I’ve got nutritional yeast and superfood powder. But it’s just not enough and I have dark circles under my eyes (not caused by lack of sleep) and I’m always deficient in things.

I still do not use animal-derived products like wool or leather and that won’t change. I would still like to eat as vegan as possible but I just want to be healthy and not eat because I can’t afford food.