I’m so excited to finally write my birth story

I’m so excited to finally write my birth story. Today has been a crazy day and I finally get a few minutes while Scarlett sleeps and I get to eat.
Last night we went out to dinner with the In-Laws to celebrate Father’s Day. I had been having random, slightly painful, contractions throughout the day. During dinner I had more, but ignored them. I was having some gurgling but chalked it up to something I ate and fell asleep. Around 3am, I woke up with a very painful contraction. I started to time them and they were 5-6 minutes apart and very uncomfortable. After 30 minutes of timing, I felt a pop and punched my husband to wake him up! I told him my water broke and ran to the bathroom and sat on the toilet   There was so much fluid! My husband brought me a towel so I could shower and when I got out, he was trying to go back to sleep!!! I told him to wake up, call his mom and get ready. He thought we had more time....we got to the hospital around 4/4:30. They put me in a room, did the litmus test which was pointless since you could still see all the fluid. But it turned blue right away, and she got us admitted. I was 3cm at this point and baby was still pretty high up. After about 3 hours of this, I finally got my epidural. Took a nice nap until 9am. They checked me again and I was still at a 3 😫. They gave me some pitocin and used the peanut ball. That was fun with my body feeling like dead weight. My husband thought it was hysterical. After laying with the peanut ball for about an hour- and hour an a half, I told my nurse I had a lot of pressure like I had to poop. And she said, “well I just checked you and you were a 3, but I’ll check you again.” She was shocked when I was 9cm! I was shocked!! She had to call another nurse in to check. My dr came in about 20 minutes later and I was so ready to get this baby out!! We did about 3 long, let her sit for a few contractions and to stretch out my Perenium. The ring of fire is a bitch. After 2 more contractions, and one push, she was out!! They put her on my chest and she was screaming!! We did skin to skin right away, they delayed any testing and cleaning for about 6 hours. They just weighed her and measured her and have her medicine on her eyes. 
She is 6 lbs, 1 oz, 19 1/2 inches long! My little peanut!! I didn’t need any stitches and have actually felt really great! They had the hemorrage cart in the hallway just in case, but thank god I didn’t need it this time. After delivering my MIL bought us chick fil a, and I devoured my food and milkshake while she was getting weighed. It was so good 🤤!!  Her big sister came to meet her and is so in love!