Splash Mountain while pregnant?

I realize this board is for opinions as well as scientific based evidence, but please be constructive and try to back yourselves up with evidence, either way 😀

I’m going on a babymoon to Disney World, I’ll be 16 weeks. I am heeding all of Disney’s warnings about expecting mothers not riding certain rides, but I think I may still ride Splash Mountain. I have been more times than I can count and used to work there. I know exactly, almost moment to moment, what to expect from the ride. There are no sudden starts or stops. It’s a smooth boat ride. The only concerning thing is the drop at the end. It’s 50ft, and not incredibly steep (at least in comparison to roller coasters.) The stop at the end isn’t overly abrupt, I’ve had to slam on my brakes in the car much harder.

Wondering what everyone’s thoughts are about this and amusement parks in general while pregnant? Thanks ladies!