11 or 10 days post IUI symptoms


Hello Everyone!

11 or 10 cos I don't know if you start counting from the day or after...oh yes I'm new to the whole <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a> busibess.

I had my <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a> done on the 6th of June and since then I've been feeling all sorts. First and major is this pain in my lower belly - feels like AF (she's not due until the 24th/25th June), creamy white CM everyday since then though it's completely dry today, I've been sleepy a lot (slept off in the car outside my niece's piano lesson), had metallic taste in my mouth on and off, appetite has increased but I tested at 8 and 9dpIUI and I got a BFN both times. RE did tell me to wait for two weeks but it's easier said than done. Today is 16th June. I don't know if to test today or continue to wait. The pain is in my lower abdomen and it feels like something is pulling it down or there's some pressure. Lower abdomen feels heavy while my lower back feels like I've been stressing it. At this rate, I am not even thinking I'm pregnant coz I don't know if it takes the <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a> this long to work! I don't know I'm so confused.Did anyone else experience these symptoms and got a BFP?