MIL trying to control my unborn child


I am getting so mad at her lately. She has known for two weeks and some of the stuff that comes out her mouth is an absolute joke! Shes calling it "her baby"

She has to have her opinion on every thing, it is mine and my fiances choice on whether we tell people about our pregnancy especially since I'm 9 weeks and she's telling people if we're not around, if we are about she will say to us "aren't you going to tell them the news" right in front of them so we feel we have to then tell them.

She told me the other week that we had to keep our travel system (we're not even thinking of buying yet) at hers until the baby's born cause it's family superstition... and we should keep all bsby stuff there so its not in our way at our new home... I'm not giving birth without all the important stuff my child will need at my home.

She is insisting she will be in the delivery room but I don't her there cause it will make me uncomfortable and I want it to be me, my fiance and my mum. She did not like that one bit and tried asking my fiance (Her son) to be there and told her it was up to me.

She won't take me saying no to something I don't agree with when it's my child.

I have asked her and will ask everyone to not buy newborn clothes or 0-3 months cause we want to buy them and we would want the clothes gifted to be worn more than once, seems pretty fair to me but she is hesitant about her buying the first outfit even though we already got it.

She has told me I have to buy a isofix carseat cause her car has the fittings and she'll need it for when SHE takes the baby out. A long with I have to bottle feed and not breast feed so it's not dependent on me for when SHE takes my baby out. I AM NOT GOING ANYWHERE WITHOUT MY CHILD

She told me that when it's born, she'll put the carseat with my newborn baby in, on the floor for the dogs to sniff... I said no straight up and she tried arguing back at me about it. I don't care that she did it with her son, I will not be taking my newborn back to hospital for being bitten by a dog cause she said so... not happening.

She said that I have to let just her and her son take the baby swimming so they can spend time together and bond. Apparently I am not aloud to take my child swimming, not even with my fiance because she said so.

She's so crazy I'm not even aloud my new flat the way I want it.

She is causing me so much stress I am still struggling to give up smoking and I hate myself for it, me and my fiance are arguing over her all the time, it's causing us so many problems. He told her to back off the other day and she started crying, I don't even feel bad that she got upset. She is ruining this for herself and for me and my fiance. It's getting to the point I just don't want her around my child.

Please help me