Who gave birth to their baby on a holiday. I wanna hear some stories

♥️Jennie • Mommy of a 3 year old bbg/ married 3 years ❤️

I gave birth Easter of 2017. 4/16/17 I was suppose to give birth 4/5/17. So I was a little late. I was suppose to be induced the day after I went into labor. So It was 3am and I started feeling really bad pains in my lower stomach. I thought I had to poo lol so I went into the bathroom and tried pushing but it just made it worse (I was 17 at the time) So it's 3am after trying to soothe the pain I run to my parent room and bang on their door loud as possible screaming "I think I am in labor" so it took my parents min to collect their thoughts. So they get up and my moms first reaction is I gotta do my hair and they had to wake my 6 year old sister up so by the time we left to go to the hospital it was 5 am and I was only 3 CM dialated. So durring that time I had gotten the epidural and I had like 10 of them I finally dialated 10 CM around 4pm on Easter Day. So I start pushing I pushed for an hour and I kept pushing her out and sucking her back in lol but they h

ad to tear me open so I had like 3rd degree tear.. I will say it was the most vile most beautiful experience of my life. Now I have a beautiful 1 year old baby girl named Cassidy