Her mother abandoned her(4yr old)help?


My bf and I are stuck on how to help his daughter adjust to barely seeing her mom.

She’s moved 2 hours out and has seen her maybe 3x a month now? And calls maybe 2x a week for 10 mins and fills her head with false promises and lies.

Her last day of school is this week and he’s attempting to find her a day time summer program to get her out of the house and around kids her age so she’s not stuck home bored with him.

She’s acting out and it gets worse after she sees her mom for a few hours. She’s confused but doesn’t know how to talk about it as she’s 4.

We had a whole beach day with just us 3 yesterday so she had us to her selves and all our attention and she really enjoyed herself, listened and only had 1 tantrum because she was getting tired which led to a nap on the ride home.

Obviously we can’t do that everyday due to money,my son and work schedules :(