feeding schedule/ transitioning


what's everyone's feeding schedule like during the day? especially those that are EBF. Like how long in between bottles/nursing? when my baby is nursing on the weekends, he goes longer stretches it seems without milk. but when my mom is watching him while I'm at work, it seems like she is constantly giving him a bottle so I'm just wondering how long your babies are going between milk. he gets fruits/veggies/snacks throughout the day as well. also...im wanting to start transitioning to either formula or milk so I can be done pumping at work. 10 months+ has taken it's toll! my sister said I can still nurse at night and just do bottles during the day so that is my goal, for now haha. but anyways I'm not sure how to transition with my LO? (*I know cows milk is for 12 months+ but I'm still asking because i plan on this being a slow transition and don't intend to transition to milk till then, but wanted ideas for then or to transition with formula now)