I caved and I’m so disappointed in myself 😔


I caved and drank the midwife brew.

I have been constipated the last week and am 41 weeks tomorrow, induction set for Friday. I was induced with my first and the thought terrifies me.

I feel so guilty cause caster oil is something I swore I would never try, and now I just feel like, even if baby doesn’t come, can I at least have on descent bowel movement?!

I have heard it has about a 50% success rate for sending women into labor if their bodies are ready (I am dialated to at least 2cm, and have had 2 bouts of prodromal labor and two instances of false labor, all within the last two weeks, I lost more mucus plug yesterday and all day yesterday I was contracting in a regular pattern with consistent contraction duration).

I have no idea if it will work. Since I am so paranoid about the whole thing I’m going to keep a VERY CLOSE eye on baby’s movements and everything. Has anyone had success with this? Anyone’s baby die or become ill because they drank the midwife brew or caster oil???