Frustrated 😩


Doctor has been telling me all along he’d be surprised if I made it to 37 weeks. We found out I have a heart condition and was told at 20ish weeks that he wouldn’t let me go past 39 weeks. I went into unproductive labor at 36 weeks and was told it would be a matter of days until baby came... it lasted two weeks. I’m now days away from my due date and there is no end in sight. Cervix hasn’t changed since 36 weeks. Baby is just as low as ever. Contractions have totally stopped. We have our 40w appointment tomorrow with an ultrasound and NST and I’m just praying he tells me it’s time. Hospital policy is not to induce before 41 weeks without medical reason. I’m glad I’m doing better then he thought I would, and that baby is nice and baked, but being told “any day now” for over a month is killing me.

Arghhh... rant over.