#MeToo issue 😩 Girl middle name help?

Hi all!

So my husband and I have had names picked out for both genders before our little girl was even conceived.

We are set on the first name, Charlie, after my late grandfather. We were very close and it means a lot to me to have her share his name.

The middle name we originally had was Rose. It is a middle name passed down through his family including his mother and sister. We also like it because to brings femininity to a more gender neutral name.

Last week I read an article about broadcaster Charlie Rose and the #MeToo allegations against him and I started feeling super weird about the name, my husband agrees it’s kinda weird. I know the news stories will pass, and not many will make the connection later on. So my question is should we stick with our original name or choose something else? Ophelia is unique and girly and is the only name that’s really stuck out to us, so we could really use your recommendations! I’m due in October so we still have some time! PLEASE HELP

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