vent post! can anyone relate?

Bethany • 33-year-old mom to a 4-year-old little girl 🩷 baby #2 on the way! 🍼🙏 Praying for a healthy and thriving pregnancy

so right now I'm 5 weeks and 1 day pregnant. I found out last Tuesday with a positive pregnancy test when I went out for breakfast with my mom. So I made my first doctor's appointment on Tuesday to make sure that it was positive and low and behold it was only my doctor told me that he thought I was 4 weeks and 5 days that day based on my previous menstrual cycle starting on May 10th when I know for a fact it was May 14th 🙄 (i have no idea why he would do that) So I go to the doctor on Wednesday and they have me go get an ultrasound because they thought I was almost 5 weeks. I went in for my ultrasound and they didn't see anything and what does the doctor say? That I could have had an early miscarriage or this could be ectopic. turns out that once I told them ONCE again that my menstrual cycle was May 14th my doctor said oh then yeah you would be closer to 4 weeks, not 5 so it's more then likely too early to see

So they had me draw blood on Thursday which I got a 475 HCG level and then they had me come in today to get blood drawn again so that way by tomorrow I know if my levels are doubling. What I don't understand is why they keep throwing around miscarriage and ectopic when it's so early in the pregnancy. Am I the only one who can relate to this? I completely understand that miscarriages and ectopic pregnancies are something that can happen and are more likely to happen in the first trimester. I totally get that, but i've had no signs of a miscarriage and no signs of ectopic so I don't know why that's even needed to be brought up! And from talking with other mothers who had kids 15 and 20 years ago said they never heard of HCG testing. I just feel like doctors are telling us way more than we have to and causing way more stress than necessary. this is just my vent post because even today the Midwife had to mention that I could have possibly had a miscarriage but it's very frustrating especially being a first-time mom because all that does is give me anxiety and it's making me Google things that I don't need to be Googling because as far as I know I haven't had a miscarriage and no signs of it so I don't get why it even has to be brought up. If you are 3 4 or 5 weeks pregnant and they're having you get ultrasounds right now, and if they don't see anything right now, don't stress. For me if I'm not bleeding and I'm not in pain I'm not going to worry about it. The

only thing I have in my control is taking care of myself taking my multivitamin, making sure I get enough rest and drinking plenty of water. and a lot of people are telling me that it's strange they would even have me get an ultrasound at 4 or 5 weeks. I understand there's new technologies out and knowing are HCG levels is probably helpful but they're stressing this mama out! rant over 😊