Bf and video games ( long rant)

This past week all my boyfriend has been doing is playing video games. Usually I wouldn’t mind because I like to play them too but lately they only time we ever talk or really hang out is when I drive and pick him up from work other then that he gets straight on his ps4 after work and will play until 2am and when he’s done he’ll just pass out.. we went from having sex almost every day but now I’ll sometimes give him a bj before he passes out. All I do is sit on his bed bored I try to get his attention but it doesn’t work and I’m bored. We haven’t even been going to the gym like we have everyday for the past 4 months. I’m honestly kinda bored with the whole relationships at this point.. idk what to do maybe I’m just over reacting ☹️

Edit/update: he leaves tomorrow for a trip and he’ll be gone for a week. The first thing he did when he woke up was get on his game. I’m gonna try to get him to spend time with me when he gets off work today instead of playin his game and if he rather play his game I think I’m just gonna get all my shit and leave I can’t spend another 5 hours waiting for him to quit playing I’m done and over it 😞