late period after getting depo shot renewed after going a month without it.


i have been on the depo shot for 4 years now, and back in october of 2017, i didn’t go to my appointment to get my depo shot renewed and i didn’t go back to get it until december. when i first got on the shot, instead of gaining weight and having an increase in an appetite, i was the opposite. i lost a bunch of weight and i could barely eat anything, so when i didn’t get it renewed in october, i gained a bit of weight back within that month and a half/two months. i got back on it and i started eating way more this time but lost some of the weight that i gained around thanksgiving. i’ve always had a somewhat normal amount of periods and i could usually track them, but my last period was some time in early march and i haven’t had a period since then, and i have taken several pregnancy tests which were all negative. did anyone else who is/was on the depo have the symptoms change at all while you were on it? and did anyone else also go this long without having a period? i read that you shouldn’t be on the depo shot for more than two years because it can cause infertility and other complications like cysts, and i didn’t know if i should be concerned or not.