NEED*Introduce & Explain*HELP


Hey y'all! I'm Jess. Home is TN :) I turned 30 in Dec. 3mo TTC BUT It turns out I know nothing about TTC. Up until my last cycle I wasn't even looking at a calendar. We want to REALLY be trying now. I was with women for 14yrs until August & thought I'd never be preg so I never looked into any of this or paid attention really. He has an 8yr old son that came along accidently when he was in HS so he thought it'd be easy peasy. I was on Depo 7ish yrs with a year off in there somewhere to treat bad cramps. I asked the OB at the time if endometriosis could b the cause of the cramps and bc uninsured he couldn't do the scope to diagnose so Depo to prevent damage incase. I'm scared, bad, that I'm wasting time trying only to end up finding out I'll never feel that/ have that in my life.