Relationship advice? (Very long)


I don’t know what to do. For the passed 3 months or so it’s been constant up and downs with my boyfriend. And it’s all over the same things. We’ve been together for 2 and half years now and he still barely puts any effort into spending time with me. It’s always me doing the planning. It’s always me going to him. He hangs out with his friends like it’s no problem but when it comes to seeing me he’s all like well I don’t know what I’m doing that day, or you know how my family does last minute things. Yet he can make plans in advance with his friends. For example, him and a friend if his decided to go down to the shore for the weekend and drink every night which of course costs lots of money. He only planned that not too long ago. Me and him have been planning to go to Florida for the past few months and yesterday he told me he doesn’t want to go anymore. Even though my dad already bought his plane ticket home when we leave Florida. I don’t see him everyday as it is or even every other day. I barely see him maybe once a week if even that. Going back to the friends thing, he can go out and buy drinks but when I was in the ER alone, he said he didn’t want to pay a lot of money for a lyft because he already spent a lot of money that week. That hurt me so much. Because I needed him and he wasn’t there for me. I need advice. I love him, I’m in love with him but he doesn’t seem to love me back even though he claims to love me a lot. I don’t want to leave him but I feel like if I stay, it’ll just drive me more crazy until I have no choice but to leave. I deserve better but I still want him. Advice?