04/24/15 to ?????

April • Mama 🌸 • Contractor • CO Living

My husband is currently away due to work. He told me last week he wants a divorce because he needs peace & stability & not chaos. 🙄 I have depression/anxiety & I have been insecure & he broke my trust in the beginning of our marriage. Yes there are times I shouldn’t have freaked out but I wasn’t on proper medication & I was also pregnant so I mean what do you expect..?

I feel hurt & broken. We just had our first child almost 3 months ago. I have been taking care of her being a SAHM since she was born. He had to leave when she was 12 days old. She’s our world. I guess he would rather take care of her without us being married. I have tried fighting for our marriage by telling him I love & miss him, can’t wait for him to be home, stuff like that. He doesn’t reciprocate obviously. I told him I wasn’t done & wanted to fight for our marriage but he said it was pointless as his mind is already made up & the only way this will not happen is if he feels in his heart that he wants this marriage. I cannot do anything about that. It seems like when things become difficult he just wants an out. This has happened more than once, so I obviously can’t rely on him like I thought I could.

I’m glad he was upfront with how he feels but it does still hurt. He wants this to be as painless as possible & I do as well. I feel a little lost right now but I know my daughter & I will be okay with the help of family & friends.

Another reason I’m leaning towards a divorce also is because he has welcomed this girl back into his life who almost destroyed our marriage. She was talking inappropriately to him (he was also) knowing he was married. She’s trash. I honestly should have left then (back in 2015). It would have made things so much easier but I wanted to fight for our marriage so I did. If I knew this was the end result I would have left a lot sooner. This is where my trust issues started. I also have caught him in dumbass lies. He’s had issues due to his upbringing but I also have issues to deal with as well.