Is this disrespectful?

Kaitlyn • Loss momma (x3) 👼🏽💜 #EctopicPregnancySurvivor

I posted this picture to my IG and FB. My boyfriend is pissed. He says it’s disrespectful because “I have my ass out.” He wants to break up now.

I’m fully clothed. I don’t understand the issue?

Update (kinda): We haven’t spoke besides text messages. He came home and didn’t say a word to me and then left. He said in a text message, “if you can’t understand why I feel some type of way then I can’t explain it. When you’re someone’s everything, you don’t show off to the world that should only be for my eyes only. And no I’m not being controlling or any of that bullshit.” I’m like, I’M NOT NAKED!! Relax. Dear Lord! 🤦🏽‍♀️ I told him, I’m a grown ass woman and I can do whatever makes me happy and I do not have to ask for permission. So I don’t know what’s going to happen and frankly, I don’t care. I love this picture of me. Be mad. Leave me over a picture. I don’t have the energy for this. Goodbye.


We got into an argument (unrelated to picture) and he choked me to the point I gasped for air. He held my phone from me and locked it in his safe. He made me sign over the title to my car. He gave me my phone back as he went out the door and he took off. So we are done ladies! Police are here now. I’m so shocked.

Another Update:

I went to my apartment today to gather clothes and odds and ends andddd it was trashed. He took a whole gallon of chocolate milk and spilled it on my bed, ripped up pictures, tried to stage a scheme like I’d been smoking weed (make shift pipe and swisher guts), my clothes were thrown on the balcony and It was raining, etc etc. There was so much I cannot even. I filed for a protection order and had the locks changed. He text me earlier “so you called the police” which scares me and then called me four times. I didn’t reply. I can’t even wrap my mind around this. My heart is broken. My neck is sore. But what hurts the worse is his daughter witnessed this (the choking) and she’s only two. She considered me to be her mom. He did call me at midnight last night and we spoke and he said she was asking for me. I just feel bad for her. She’s so innocent 😭. I haven’t gotten my car back and that’s a whole mess. My apartment will let me break the lease once I get a copy of the protection order. I’m safe, but still scared.

Update...again lol:

I am safe ladies! Thank you all for your advice, comments and laughs. It is hard. I cry a lot. I cannot even process all this. At this point, I just want it to be all over. I got my car back as he had parked it. I thought the officers reported it stolen but they didn’t so nothing can be done there. I’ve never been in a situation like this so I have no idea what’s the process or what happens next. The officers that came to the scene said they could possibly get a warrant for DV-strangulation butttt it was slim because its a he said, she said since there was no witnesses. It’s Friday, now almost Saturday and no warrant. I went and filed for protection order Thursday afternoon and haven’t heard anything about that either. It cannot go into effect until they find/serve him. If they can’t find him, I think they’ll put a warrant out for him to be served. My apartment complex needs a copy for me to break the lease without eviction but I don’t know how long it’ll be until they send me the papers. And I’m responsible for rent until they get a copy. Ugh! So I don’t know. I’m just still so mind blown.

I know for a fact he isn’t in the state though. He’s scared. I don’t feel afraid though or at least I’m not allowing myself to be. I don’t want him to have that control over me. My dad wants me to hide out, quit my job, etc but I just wanna get back to “normal” life. I’m not staying by myself or anything. It’s weird, but I cannot wait to go back to work. I’m ready to start living.