Preeclampsia. Ladies that have dealt with it, I could use some info!


I have had high blood pressure throughout this pregnancy that has been controlled by meds pretty well until recently. Yesterday I was feeling terrible. I had a headache that wouldn't quit, I had swelling, nausea and my bp went as high as 156/94. I woke up this morning feeling much the same just not as intense so I called my high risk ob and went in. When I got there my BP was 139/99. They took it again 10 to 15 mins later and it was 141/93. They did labs for preeclampsia and said they would call me with the results tomorrow and we would go from there. But they didn't say much else. What options are normal if I do have preeclampsia? Surely they won't induce this early (30 weeks) right? Thats the one thing I'm trying to avoid. I'm already being induced at 37 weeks as it is so Ithis all has me a little nervous. I could really use some insight from others who have gone through a similar situation.