Husband is being a jack hole *Update*

So little back story my husband and I got pregnant after being together for about two years. We’re engaged and pretty excited. We both knew we wanted another baby but financially we weren’t quite where we needed to be. I am allergic to most birth control and we can’t use condoms to prevent because he gets a rash(he’s not lying I’ve seen it) so we tracked my cycle and have been good with out getting pregnant for 2 years roughly. Now I just started work at a hospital because I’m a phlebotomist and I love it. I work three days a week 8-430 weekends and holidays off. Now since I started he has been after me about how “low my scrubs are” which they aren’t and I always have on an undershirt anyways. Then we find out we are pregnant again which is exiting we are okay with money now and it’s thrilling that we get to give our son a sibling but since all this new change he has been a different person. Distant cold doesn’t want to talk about anything with me. Blows up ALLLLLL the time has little patience for our son who is almost two so he is going to have tantrums he’s little but on top of my sons my husband is having one taking my kids behavior out on me. I’m sick of being a punching bag for his emotional immaturity. With being pregnant too I don’t want it to affect the baby. I’m currently locked in my bedroom and threw his damn pillow and blanket out in the hall if he wants to sleep he can have the couch. I’m just bummed that he can’t seem to be supportive and stop being a dick. Worst part is I just got my hair done super cute and blond and bangs and he hates it. Says he thinks I’m acting different and trying to hard. Sorry for all the word vomit I’m just mad.


So I went back to talk to him to reconcile and he just sat there and said I’m not talking to you. Then I told him I am sick of his emotional immaturity and selfishness that he needs to figure it out I did some real talk told him he’s got to get over him self and start respecting and trusting me. He didn’t say anything so I left and went to the room but he texted me and said. “ you said a lot of mean things” I wanted to punch him and I responded and said that they might have been hurtful but they are true and he then had nothing to say. He has been always so insecure about my clothes but his whole “acting dofferent thing” is all him bc I think he’s uncomfortable when I look good sometimes.