So my SO and I have been together for 4 years. In the beginning, he never disclosed the name of his previous ex girlfriend which I was fine with. He only wanted to discuss where it went wrong and what he wanted to avoid being as he’s only dated one other person.

Fast forward a few years, his ex girlfriend comes into my life through mutual connections. I never realized this was his ex being as her name was never discussed and he isn’t a social media guy. This girl and I really click! I’m talking BFF material. I’m telling my SO about this and through the conversation he realizes it’s his ex.

I initially felt strange wondering if she had known that I was his SO, but we kept in contact being as we had a lot in common. Over the next few months many of my social outings with groups began to involve her. She made a point to be my friend and she’s been an outstanding friend.

My SO thinks it’s very weird that we continue to be friends, but he ultimately doesn’t care as long as he isn’t really involved. His friends continuously rag on me for being her friend. Am I wrong to be her friend? Should I stop being her friend because she previously dated my SO?

My thoughts on it are simple: she’s done nothing to deserve me treating her any differently than I do now. I don’t think it’s a crazy idea that someone could date multiple people that are similar and would get along as friends. I do however wonder if it is crossing social boundaries to be close friends with her. Is she trying to be my close friend for an alternative motive? Feel free to weigh in ladies. I’m at a loss. Please no negative comments. I’m just looking for advice.