Advice please! No negative comments but I do appreciate your honest opinions!

Okay so I know after a while in relationships one or both may get too comfortable and it’s not all honeymoon like the beginning but my bf and I have been together unofficially for 2 years but officially for a year and a half and for the last few months I just feel like he’s so annoyed by me when we’re not physically hanging out if that makes sense. Like when we hang out he’s all cuddly and telling me cute things & showing interest but when we’re texting he constantly leaves me on read and takes forever to respond! He used to always wanna text me and keep the convo going and all of a sudden he’s saying things like he wants his own space and he feels like I don’t give him his time. Which I understand but I only see him once a week maybe twice a week sometimes & we don’t text 24/7 bc we both work full time. I could have a shitty work day and be exhausted but if I am able to hang out with him I’m all for it but when he’s tired he says no even if it’s been almost a week! It frustrates me bc I’m not clingy at all and I get treated like I am. I don’t get mad ever when he wants his own time but I try to get him to put myself in his shoes that I want it reciprocated and more effort but he doesn’t ever wanna “argue” 🙄🙄 ugh idk what to do