Opinions please !!!!

My boyfriend and I have been dating for 1 1/2 years now. Never have had any strong arguments or anything. Just one time I did get jealous so I let him now but we talked it out and he apologized. I understood but still wasn’t very happy. That’s about all.

I know he loves me very much, because he shows it every time we get the chance to see each other (weekends only) His friends and family have told me how good of an influence I’ve been to him and how “drunk” in love he is with me. The thing is, every time we got out and some cute girl comes in the room his eyes won’t stop staring for quite long that others will notice. It makes me look/feel stupid. I know it is natural to look, but not to that point. It really makes me feel unappreciated and automatically brings my self esteem down to hell. I don’t have guy friends, don’t talk/text other guys. I don’t even stare at other guys because i would hate to make him feel the way i feel. So I feel like he only chose me because I’m a “safe option.” He did have a fuckboy reputation for flirting, dating with a lot of girls. But I decided to leave that in the past and he really has changed for me as everyone close to me and him have told me. I just never see him get jealous at all because I’ve never gave him a reason to be so my soul feels tranquil. But what if I did what he does? Would he like it?

Sometimes I try to test him but i don’t think he gets it. I just think it would be nice to have a little reassurance that i am wanted and appreciated, at least to show that he cares.

What should I do about this situation?

Am I exaggerating?