I don’t know what to do

My step/ half sister isn’t doing well. She is only on this earth still because of family. She is depressed and has extreme anxiety. Her dad wasn’t there for her, and neither is her new dad. Her new dad ignores her and talks bad to her mom about her. Her mom and new dad fight a lot. She can hear her mom cry often. She is insecure, and nothing helps. A lot of it is about her height. She’s been bullied since she started school. She has no outlet, school and home are torture. Her only way to happiness is jokes. She has trust issues, most friendships have been manipulative and all her “friends” treat her badly. Toys are what comfort her, she thinks that if people can’t be there for her, her toys can. She holds her feelings in until she has an anxiety attack. Like I said she only stays alive for her family that have been there for her, because she knows they would miss her.

This is her daily life, I want to help her but I don’t know what to do.

Please keep her in your prayers.