Do you wear a helmet when you ride your bike?

I hate wearing helmets but I feel like I should to set an example for my daughter?

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As parents we have to set the example for our children, so I always wear a helmet. Also helmets protect you head and whats inside it (your brain). I am a firefighter and have seen some bad trauma from bike crashes, spills and vehicle vs. biker. I agree with Allie always wear a helmet even on short distance ride. Regardless of where you are riding sidewalk, street or trail. please ride safe everyone and ensure your children do the same.


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I have done plenty of long distance road biking and personally have seen slow moving bike accidents cause unconsciousness and head trauma, I never ride without one. Not even for a small ride.


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I always ride on the sidewalk in neighborhoods... so no.


Melvin • Jun 20, 2018
Ms Gina, it might be a good idea to start. Even low speed bike crashes can cause serious trauma. Also cars can jump curbs and make their way onto sidewalks. A helmet would offer you better protection than nothing at all. Ride safe


Posted at
When I was younger my brother and I were riding bikes around our neighborhood. A policeman pulled up and told us that we needed helmets, and he almost gave my mom a ticket because we weren’t wearing one. I use that story to “threaten” my kids if they want to break the law by not wearing one a policeman will come. 😂


Posted at
if I'm riding on a bike trail away from traffic I dont (even though I shld) but if I'm anywhere near a road I wear one