God and TTC.....


I need guidance...

I am not even that religious but I feel like God is punishing me somehow and not letting me get pregnant because of the bad things I have done in my life.. I’ve been trying for almost 5 months now and nothing.... Could he be doing that? I try to pray to him and let him bless me with a child as often as I can, I will even go to church if it would help. Maybe confess, repent ???? I have no idea. I have confessed to him in prayer and confessed to the people I have hurt and they accepted my apology, I also promised them that I would never treat them the way I did ever again and I am doing my best to be better...

I just got off my period two days ago and was feeling like this could be my month. Me and my boyfriend made a challenge too to have sex every single day starting yesterday for two whole weeks to increase the chances....

What do you ladies think I could do??? 😞