Hitting home now..

So I feel like this is the perfect place to just write what I’ve got on my mind as your all due the same time as me!


It’s kind of sinking in that in 8 weeks today I could be going through labour all over again!

I have a 7 and 2 year old and OMG it feels as though it’s literally just gone by so fast, I don’t have time to sit and count minutes this pregnancy as I have other children to care for.

I know we all say things go fast but this is ridiculous!

I’m kind of worried about doing it for the 3rd time. Both my babies were late (2 and 10 days) and I had to be induced with my 2nd which the thought of going through the same this time terrifies me. (I had an epidural done TWICE which failed BOTH TIMES!)

I’ve been doing some reading on calm birthing and breathing techniques, and hopefully will have my water birth I’ve longed for through all my pregnancies.

I have bought nothing. Not even joking, not a single item.

No idea when to do my hospital bag.

Need to buy a pram.

Anyone else still in denial about it all coming round so quick?!