Girlfriend doesn’t want to have sex

Iv been dating my girlfriend for 2 years now and we are a perfect match, we get on perfectly and we love each other a lot however I always try to get intimate with my girlfriend and she doesn’t want it.

I have tried everything to get her to want sex and nothing is working. When we do have sex it’s because I want to have sex and she just gives in, its currently been two months since we had sex last. I literally kiss the ground she walks upon and nothing.

Every time we do it she just lays there and takes it and it makes me feel bad, it’s like having sex with a corpse. She has only initiated sex twice and that was a year ago. If I really beg for it she gives me a reluctant blowjob but it’s not enjoyable as I can feel that it’s forced, and makes me feel horrible afterwards, as if I forced her to do it.

I have spoken to her about it and she just blames it on me being horny all the time and that I should just jerk off but I tell her that I don’t want to cum I want to be intimate with her in any form and she has even stopped French kissing me

I don’t know what to do anymore, I feel like this is the only problem our relationship has as other than that we are perfect, we talk about our future, future kids, growing old and all that stuff, like we are really cute together and I love her but I just feel hurt that she doesn’t want to be with me like that and it makes me worry for the future of the relationship as i don’t think I can last longer without intimacy in our relationship.

Sorry for the long winded post but this has been killing me and I just want that connection to be there as I love this girl.


She isn’t on birth control as I told her I don’t want her to poison herself with chemicals.

I did speak to her about this and she says she does want to have sex just not when I want it but I call bullshit on that.

I don’t think she’s cheating on me, she’s always working or on placement, we both given each other our location via find my friends and shes is always where she tells me she is. She has my location to btw, and I know some of you will see this as weird but we dont treated it as a big deal.

Another thing that bothers me is that she doesn’t want me to post a picture of us together on Facebook, we have zero pictures of us together online, and she just says that she doesn’t want pictures up because it’s awkward if we broke up because she’d have to delete them and doesn’t like when couples do that stuff and are cringey on facebooks but I just want a plain non cringe photo of us together like is that too much to ask. The only thing we have on Facebook is a status update that am in a relationship with her and that was at 8 months.

Also when I try to be intimate am literally at my personal best, bathed, shaved, showered, best clothes, the whole package. So I dunno 🤷🏻‍♂️