There's another women

so ive know something was up for a while but i didnt know it was tbis bad. according to him a couple weeks ago he said he doesn't want kids with me or to be with me anymore. And that broke me. I've begged and beged for another chance but he says he's been done for awhile. that I've made him feel like scum. which I know I've said alot of things I shouldn't of and I wish I could take it all back but if he would of said something to me I would of done something. He Is the love of my life. the one I wanted to grow old with and make a family. I don't know what to do. a couple days ago he told me there was another women. Now yesterday right after we had sex and cuddled like we use to he left and finally told me they've been having sex for awhile after hed promised me time and time again they weren't. Then took off to to spend a week with her off at electric forrest. And now I'm stuck at home wanting to crawl in a ball and disappear. I dont know what to do. He was my everything. I built my whole around him and his son. But what hurts the most is he doesn't ever care. Not one bit. He's blocke me one everything and wont talk to me. won't be back for a week. He's off having fun with her while I'm here bawling my eyes out. I can't deal with this pain. I don't know what to do!!! EDIT: I didn't know he was sleeping with the other women till 2 hours we did and he left and texted me he was.