IUD vs. Tubes Tied

Beth • •Mommy to a little girl 7/16/17 and little boy 11/10/18•Married my best friend 10/28/22•Tubal 11/2018•DV Survivor 💜

I had a doctors appointment today to check up on baby #2 and was telling my doctor that my husband and I have decided this is it. We don’t want any more kids.. My husband has mentioned one time about later on down the road when our first two are a little older maybe having another, but every other time has said this is it. I grew up wanting 3 but after having my 1st, decided I could only handle 2.

My doctor told me she recommended either IUD or getting my tubes tied, but the latter would be permanent and IUD would last 5 years.

I’m 24 years old. I’m considering getting my tubes tied because I really don’t know about the idea of an IUD, but I don’t want to ever regret it.

What do you all have and what would you recommend?

Thanks in advance! 🙂