Pregnant and those mini detachments 😩

aimee • Happy married to my best friend 💍 // mommy to Analiese 💕❤️// expecting girl number 2! 😍

I’ve been basically pregnant for a year plus lmfao I have a 9 month old and I’m currently 14 weeks, during both pregnancies my husband has had to go on detachments, though it wasn’t so many the first pregnancy but because deployment is coming up April of 2019 they have him going on so many this year and I’m just so frustrated by it, I know it isn’t his fault I can’t blame him but with the being alone and missing him and the hormones I’ve just been so mad and snappy lately... I feel bad trust me I do but I just can’t help it, I’m ready for him to come home and to get shore duty next contract so that I don’t have to worry about deployment and these dets for awhile 😭